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On December 19th of last year was approved in the Council of Ministers the draft to reform the law of abortion with the significant name of «Organic law of protection of the rights of the pregnant woman and the conceived life.»
That day and the following, in the main cities of the Spanish territory and in the world, tens of thousands of women went out to the streets repudiating the measure. We manifested ourselves showing that we were willing to face head on the brutal attack against women that was the reactionary anti-abortion law of Fachardon and the PP. «We give birth, we decide», «Free abortion», «Go away Gallardon, sexist and fascist» was the unanimous cry of the thousands of us that went out to the streets around the world. Chants, flags, brochures and banners expressed the majoritarian rejection and social condemnation to the new law.
Meanwhile the PSOE appeared on a press conference denouncing the law, limiting themselves only to say they would appeal to the secret vote of the women of the PP so that the law is not definitively approved. An absurdity and a political villainy that the PSOE would appeal to women of power and of the Catholic Church to stop a law that is their own. In the context of the advancement of the brutal cuts and reforms of the PP and the Troika, the cowardly proposal of the PSOE was as always the same, «vote for us that when we are Government we will derogate everything.» And on the UI side, the same thing as usual, complaint before the cameras, a slightly redder speech than the PSOE and some other isolated acts, nothing that truly committed them to convening and mobilizing to fight against the law as it should be, on the streets and not in the Parliament and in the press.
In July of this year the now former Minister Gallardón stated that the draft would see light as Bill in the Council of Ministers at the end of the summer. However on Tuesday, a day after the end of summer, Rajoy, confirmed the withdrawal of the draft because it did not find sufficient consensus to take it forward. Shortly after Gallardón resigned as Minister of Justice and was resigning his seat in Congress and his position in the Executive of the PP.
And this is a triumph of women’s fight, mobilization of thousands in the streets and the finding that rights are conquered de facto. Las Rojas celebrate this victory and are of the opinion that we should serve to redouble the fight for our rights and against the scourges that daily subjected us as a result of the reactionary and sexist policies of Governments and submissive parties to the Troika.
The 41 women killed by violence in what’s gone of the year in the Spanish territory is an example of this and demands that the women’s movement respond. Rajoy already announced that he will reform the current legislation to ensure that those younger than 18 need the consent of their parents to interrupt their pregnancy. Let’s organize ourselves and fight so there is not one more dead woman because of gender violence and to prevent that they continue attacking our rights.
Long live the fight of women
Free, safe and legal abortion
Stop the femicides, not one more dead woman because of gender-based violence
Las Rojas – Spanish State
Las Rojas - Spanish State, 25/09/14