«In the face of the 125[1]bill, people went against authoritarianism; now they will go for the truth» (Mario Negri, head of the bloc of UCR deputies)
The political crisis opened by the complaint against Cristina Kirchner and deepened by the death of prosecutor Nisman, is reaching a month of existence. A month which has opened a fissure in the legitimacy of the institutions of the State, mainly in repressive bodies and the Executive, strongly affecting Cristina Kirchner’s role.
They are all «conspirators»
In general terms, it’s a picture that reveals how corrupted and nauseating intelligence networks and agencies are, also how all the bosses’ politicians tend to substantiate issues turning their back on society, including meetings, that tend to be conspirative: plotting against the exploited and oppressed population!
The first few weeks were ripe with speculation and political operations of every type and color. The Government and the opposition were going from one position to its antipode. Cristina first slipped the hypothesis of a «suicide»; then she took a turn and presented the opposite hypothesis: Nisman was murdered, or “suicided”, to damage her.
From the political opposition and media, the positions were also changing: from a smooth and plain murder to «induced suicide» by the Government. In beatings and kickbacks at each other, the only thing that was taken into account, was the political profit they could make (or save) from this dramatic political crisis: truth be told, the evidence and investigation, only played a secondary role in this plot.
Prosecutor Fein does not seem to have the courage to dare to clarify matters: until today the case is still classified as ‘doubtful death’ which pays the field for all kinds of speculation (this beyond that whenever she opened his mouth, it was to the hypothesis of suicide). Precisely: at this point, tests and expert opinions would seem to indicate that it was a suicide, which, even if it doesn’t modify in depth the matter of a Marxist approach to the crisis, has evident political consequences: eventually mitigate the impact on the Government of the death of the Prosecutor.
Gorillas[2] lurking
Mounted on this hazy scenario, the judiciary corporation formed by the judges, prosecutors and the trade union bureaucracy of UEJN[3], called a «March of silence in tribute to Nisman» on February 18, at the one month anniversary of his death. The opposition and part of Moyano’s trade union bureaucracy announced that they will take part of this demonstration, with the purpose of building a large reactionary wave against the Government.
The right-wing nature of the march is not given exclusively by the social and political component that will mobilize (middle and high classes basically, although unfortunately white collar workers and others will be dragged into it). Also because the political objective behind the «tribute to the Prosecutor» is to advance in re-legitimizing bourgeois justice as an ‘independent’ area in which things would be handled according to «virtue and truth»… At the same time, they are looking for a defense of the legal Corporation, a body of aristocratic officers where no one has the power to choose anyone except themselves, and which are lifetime stuck on their jobs.
It will have escaped no one’s attention that the current political crisis reveals a dark network between the justice, intelligence, the U.S. Embassy and Zionism. Nisman’s vindication by judicial Corporation, aims to exonerate (and exonerate itself) guilt and charge all their actions regarding the AMIA attacks, actions that only than deepened the impunity for the attack.
The fact is that Nisman, with the explicit approval of Néstor Kirchner, turned the investigation of the attack on the Jewish mutual at the service of U.S. and Israel’s geopolitical interests, to the extent of not making any movement without the endorsement, control and explicit approval from the U.S. Government through its Embassy in Buenos Aires.
The Nuevo MAS (Movement Towards Socialism) demands full clarification of the circumstances of Nisman’s death, but by no means we support the cynical demand of the18F organizer of “’freedom of action to justice”. Prosecutors that organize the demonstration are, just as Nisman was, officials at the service of the interests of the bourgeois State, not a supposedly «independent» staff.
They are the same officials who along with judges and police protect rapists, conceals police killers and act against workers in trade union disputes. What is needed is the opposite, to give ‘freedom of action to justice’: an investigating Commission truly independent of the three powers, hat investigates and acts on the basis of unleashing a popular mobilization process to open the files of the AMIA and the former SIDE case is necessary.
That we do not go to the demonstration does not mean that we support Cristina’s Government. Far from that: a Government that encouraged to follow the “Iranian clue», that worked (thick as thieves) practically 12 years with Stiusso (a secret service agent coming from the bowels of the military dictatorship), and that carries out the same obscure way of making policy and international treaties as any other bourgeois Government (but does it with a more «progressive» profile) can’t be defended.
People cannot live only of the «Republic»
Despite the institutional gravity manifesting the current political crisis, it operates by two separate lifts. From the «Heights», where politicians, officials and journalists speak, where everything is a «whirlwind» which is incomprehensible for the population; for this reason, from “below”, where the «people afoot» lives, the feeling is that they got fed up with it (because it is handled, consciously, in a way that no one can understand; a good example of the pigpen of bourgeois politics; and the dirty and no-politicized electoral campaign coming).
Thus, and without stopping to underline that the workers and the masses should intervene in the midst of this crisis, the fact is that other issues will gradually begin to enter on the agenda.
In statements to the newspaper La Nación, a number of pollsters wonder to what extent the crisis will impact on the electoral scene; they say that in the popular areas influence would not be substantial, always more attentives to the economic situation; Although the crisis has undoubtedly an impact and especially among large sections of the middle classes, which will likely transform the March 18 mobilization into a massive mobilization.
However, and one can’t rule out new political contortions of K with respect to the march (moved from saying that it was «legitimate», to consider the possible «disqualification» of prosecutors attending, that now the macrism invites them to «participate»), Cristina, mindful to the «pocket’ sensitivity», devoted the latest «national broadcast» to make announcements about economic issues trying to retake the political initiative.
The recent agreements with China fits like a glove to this initiative. Cristina kept the journey to the big Eastern country in the midst of the crisis as a way to demonstrate that «sge is at the head of affairs». The move opened a discussion at the entrepreneurship of the UIA (Industrial Argentinian Patronal Union), as it seemed to have more «political» aspects than economics, opened a crisis between Lascurain, head of metallurgical business, and Mendez, the man currently in charge of the industrial patronal union (seconded by De Mendiguren, another strong personality among industrialists, and which is linked to Massa, an opposition politician). The economic side of the thing is the concern of some bourgeois when they learned that the agreement with the Chinese included to give them some public works without passing by the “normal” channels.
Conclusion, the peace pipe is smoked; an interview with the Government was requested. In any case, nobody will be so idiotic to miss, in short, the juicy businesses that can be opened with the world’s second-largest economy. For the Government, the agreement with China is an injection of money into the skinny coffers of the State, which Cristina needs much like water to try to get more or less smoothly on the economic front towards October (even more so in the midst of renewed pressure on the exchange rate of the dollar when the real –Brazil’s currency- reached their minimum against this currency in ten years).
An independent popular mobilization is needed. Lets prepare now a massive mobilization for March 24th
The political crisis remains open and this is always a state of instability that can unbalance the political scenario at any time. In addition, we will have to wait and see how the mobilization of F18 runs, which as we have already pointed out, promises to be very large if it confirms what is being heard in many bureau’s and workplaces in Buenos Aires.
Should an event of magnitude occur, it could make the crisis concrete by opening a situation of greater political instability for the Government. But we will have to wait.
[1] The 125 bill was a bill proposed by the government in 2008 to increase taxes on exportation of agrarian products. This led to demonstration of the oligarchs and right wing politicians that led to the withdrawal of the bill.
[2] In Argentina, right wing militants, that hate the popular classes and support the last military dictature and would like to see a military government rise to power, are called “gorillas”.
[3] The Union of the judicial system’s workers.
Socialismo o Barbarie nº 320, 12/02/2015